Tuesday, August 18, 2020

DNA Density Files

Sometimes I have my voice, sometimes I don't.  This time it's been building up, episodes of constant questions and hypotheses, but no starting point, no end.  It all starts with my peculiar ideas about humans, nature, time...

It has always been stated that we use only 10% of our brains.  So what is up with the other 90%?  Storage.  Terabytes of endless storage, memories of the people before us, images that do not dissolve but show up in dreams and ideas, the concept of time being connected to creation a mere myth to make us feel less alone.  But I don't think we are.  All that storage, connected to our DNA instead... everything that has come before us, right there for the picking.

When we are young, you don't really access your storage... so much outside influence, so much impressing upon our active brain to give us a "life" of solvency, risk, adventure, stability -- the terms we use to identify who we are and where our lives will take us.  As you get older and there is less outside life affecting the inside life, I think the storage unit becomes more accessible if you let it.

In a few words, our DNA becomes more fluid in giving us the clues to what makes us tick.

It wasn't until I was in my 50s, that I began to recognize the telltale clues as to who I was, and it is still giving me bits and pieces to put together.  It wasn't until my 50s that I began to understand why certain places resonated with me more than others... why I chose the men I dated throughout my life, why some habits exist and others that made no sense and have become relevant to the bigger picture.  I think that all the clues are right in front of us, but we choose to believe what we've been told is the story of humankind, because that is the way it has always been.  But if you use Achem's Razor, it clearly tells us that as much as we want to believe Darwinism, or Religion, that is is much simpler than that.  Something intervened.

Just an idea... a concept based on things I've read, seen, learned over the years -- could be totally wrong, but this is the reason we all need to communicate more.  To share ideas, thoughts, concepts, instead of looking for where we disagree and then condemning others for differing opinions.  I do not believe in blame, I believe in fixing problems and finding common grounds.

So that is my rant for the day.  My DNA density files.  It's a theory.

06.|. Discovering New York City

I have an early and highly visual memory of staying with my grandmother in Forest Hills, where she lived in a great big white brick building...