Thursday, May 14, 2020


We keep talking about when we are on the other side of this - when it will end - when we will be able to go back to a new normal.

Truth.  There will be no great delineation between today and tomorrow.  We will never feel an official “end”, even though clearly there are powers that be who want to say it is over.  There will be no “over”.  Things will very slowly change.  An opening here, and opening there.  Perhaps only temporarily as the virus re-attacks in a different strain at some point.  Or many different strains.  [Icelandic scientists identified 40 versions of corona virus, and that was weeks ago.]. 

It’s only my opinion, but I think we need to recreate our own sense of what life will be for us.  Not just for tomorrow, but for now.  

People are cooking who have never cooked.  Most of all, people are baking.  There is a huge comfort in baking, and it isn’t an easy thing.  But everywhere you look online there are recipes and photos of baked goods.  People are gardening.  If you have a space in which to grow something, do.  Whether vegetables and herbs to eat, or flowers for the bees, grow something.  People are adopting dogs.  I hope they keep them.  They become family.  They depend entirely on us for food, exercise, love.  Mostly love.  Some people are moving out of the cities.  I asked a moving van driver the other day if people were moving in or moving out of NYC.  He said there are a few moving in, mostly moving out.  And mostly putting things in storage.  That was telling…

There will be pros and cons, no different from any other time in history.  But this is just a time in history. Our grandparents lived through 2 world wars, the Spanish flu, the depression, the dustbowl, the Korean War and Vietnam.  That should put a few things in perspective.  

Right now we have the luxury of time.  Picture yourself with nothing left.  What would you do, where would you go, what would you have to say about it?  It’s an exercise in self discovery.  I’d bet my dwindling 401K that a lot of our decisions will be based in autonomy.  And maybe it’s about time.

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